Forging For Foodies
Blacksmithing + Coppersmithing
The warm reflective surface of hammered copper looks gorgeous against the dark sheen of a forged steel surface. We give people a taste of what it’s like to work both kinds of metal in a series of workshops that focus on culinary objects.
We love sharing the experience of forming metal by hand. These workshops introduce people to the craft of designing and making functional objects that get used every day. The courses can be taken in any order, and no previous metalworking experience is needed. All that’s required is an appetite to learn.
A Blacksmith Walks into a Bar…
Blacksmithing + Coppersmithing: Level 1
Learn coppersmithing skills while creating a shimmery, hand hammered copper shot glass. Then learn blacksmithing basics by forging a bottle opener and a stir stick. This course is a great way to try working both metals. It is suitable for beginners.
The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon
Blacksmithing + Coppersmithing: Level 1
An introductory course to blacksmithing and coppersmithing. Hammer out a copper coffee scoop, then try your hand at forging steel as you dish ramekins to hold snacks and sauces.